Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Boy Band iKON Debut with the First Album Welcome Back

Ikon ~ Welcome Back

With a fanbase larger than quite a few established acts, this debut is eagerly anticipated. They blew up the charts with their warm-up single, "My Type," and now they officially debut with their half-album, 'Welcome Back.' This EP contains five new tunes, as well as "My Type." Members B.I. and Bobby wrote the twin title tracks "Rhythm Ta" and "Airplane." 

The EP launches into "Welcome Back," a song that has an R&B feel to it. They're backed by sassy saxes (probably synth, but it still oozes cool). Bobby really kills the raps here. It's also really catchy, and I found myself singing along. The lyrics are nothing amazing, basically saying they miss her and they're lonely even though they tried to be strong about the breakup. It's a strong opening, and it gives me hope for the rest of the album. 

"Rhythm Ta" is the title song, and apparently a controversial one, as netizens are claiming the lyrics are dissing their idols. Member Bobby dismissed the claims, putting a more positive spin on things. To me, it's a generic diss, a boasting song, nothing more insidious. Besides that, the song is a heckuva lot of fun, from the piping synths to the rapping and the hook: "Rheethum Ta."  

My thoughts on "My Type" It's not bad, and gets better and better the more I hear it. 

The fourth track, "Today," is a pretty catchy pop tune. They have some funky guitars going in the background, which I dig. I like some of the nasally intonations -- they remind me of G-Dragon. It's a little slow for a dance tune, though. The title is no mystery: as of today, the boys are suddenly attracted to a girl that they used to view as a friend.  

"Airplane" is a slower song, sort of a combination of sung verses interspersed with raps.   Bobby and Junhoe handle the rapping here, which works really well; everything is on point and the melody is intact. I have respect for artists that can do this, as often a rap can ruin a good song, and a song can ruin a good rap. I'm happy to report the absence of ruin. The lyrics are clever: the girl is aboard an airplane, and the boys are begging the pilot to either let them on or kick her off so they can talk. 

The last tune, "M.U.P.," is an anthem-like song. The tune alternates between piping synths and washes while the boys take turns rapping and singing. The title is an acronym for "Make U Proud," which the lyrics back up. They become very candid and humble here, saying that they're broke losers, but they will change and make the girl proud. A good closer to a good album. 

Track Listing :

Welcome Back Click Here
Rhythm Ta Click Here

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