Sunday, September 27, 2015

Boy Band Day6 Debut with the First Mini Album The Day

Day6 – The Day

'The Day' has come for the debut of DAY6, JYP Entertainment's new band! The sextet consists of Sung Jin, Jae, Jun Hyeok, Young K, Won Pil, and Do Woon. Already making a splash in the music world, the album is said to bring a new style to K-pop. The fact that the boys wrote and composed all of the songs on this album is a definite plus.

"Freely" starts out light and poppy with a lively rhythm and quickly turns into a dance track. Taking more of its cues from pop and less from EDM, the track has more punch than dance songs might have ordinarily. It's a strong, body-moving start to the EP and sets the tone nicely, as they exhort us to "dance dance tonight."

he second track, "Out of My Mind," is another head-nodding pop song. It's about as lively as the first track, but has more substance to it as the purpose is not necessarily dance. It reminded me a bit of Super Junior D&E's "Growing Pains." I like the vocal belts during the bridge setting it up for a strong chorus. K Young's rap here is a real treat, as he quickly transitions to singing on the last line. The song itself is about a girl who doesn't treat them well and drives him nuts. 

The title track, "Congratulations," is a solid power ballad. I like the vocals here, they have a rawer sound than what we hear in k-pop, and it works to convey the emotion well. We can hear the guitars in here, as well as the synth slams that help hammer the message home: 
"Congratulations, you're so amazing
Congratulations, how could you be so fine?
How could you trample on me...
Leave me. Go to him."

"It Became a Habit" is a hella catchy soft rock tune. Continuing in much the same vein as the previous three tracks, there's guitar and synth, and earnestly sung vocals. They shake it up here by having the raps happen early on. The awesome hook pretty much sums up what it's all about:
"Even though you changed, I haven't changed
You remain in me
You became my habit."

In contrast to the other tunes, "Like The Sun" is not only bright and catchy but also upbeat. I like how the arrangement changes with their mood, and everything comes together nicely. You can practically hear Sung Jin smiling when he's singing this one, and K Young sounds positively exuberant. The lyrics tell you that "her smile is like the sun."

They slow it way down for the power-ballad "Colors." This song is dark and heavy, and there's more of an electric guitar influence here, too, bringing a somber mood to the song, but still lending it a lot of power. The guys are singing about how the colors in their life are missing after the girl left. 

Track Listing :

Freely Free Click Here
Out of My Mind Click Here
Congratulations Click Here
Habits Click Here
Like That Sun Click Here
Colors Click Here

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