Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Zico Debut with the first mini album Gallery

Zico ~ Gallery
Perhaps best known as the leader of the hip-hop/R&B outfit Block B, rapper Zico just dropped his first mini-album, which includes his recent digital singles "Tell Me Yes or No," "Day," and "Boys and Girls." Here he teams up with Babylon, JTONG, DJ Wegun,Zion.Tsoul songstress  Suranand others to bring you this  'Galleryof hip-hop stylings.

The title is a quote by Julius Caesar, "I came, I saw, I conquered," a description of a quick and easy victory. The title is appropriate, as the song chronicles his rise to the top from the bottom and he makes it sound both quick and easy. The lyrics are bold and truculent, and his delivery and flow reflect that admirably. I can't help but notice that he doesn't quite say the"veni vidi vici" part, but it makes such a great hook that you won't care.  

Beginning with sassy, buried horns and Zion.T's croons, Eureka is a naughty hip-hop piece with a croon and hook-filled chorus. The horns just as quickly hit front and center, threatening to engulf Zico and Zion.T's vocals. Thankfully, they don't, giving us easy access to the playful lyrics. It's essentially saying "Eureka! I found the perfect girl!" 

"Pride & Prejudice"
In my opinion, this is where Zico shows off his range, teaming up with indie soul-singerSuran. He takes the edge of his raps for this one, with laid-back delivery and pitter-patter flow. Suran's voice is emotive here and needy, giving the song it's soulful feel. Tinkling piano and a funky horn are the perfect R&B toppers for this track. These lines pretty well sum it up: 

"Pride and prejudice
Tell me what is more important
I thought wrong"

"Boys And Girls" 
Having as much in common with funk as with hip-hop, this song is playful, with synth backed singing from Babylon set off from Zico's raps. It's very much a party song, but atypical of such songs is that it's very stripped-down. It's an enjoyable little ride, and for some reason, the line "I'm a boy and you're a girl," repeated several times, makes me laugh. 

When it starts, it feels like a Big Beat remix, but they dial that back in the bridge. Regardless, both JTONG and Zico spit their raps at you defiantly, almost as if they were engaged in some kind of K-pop sciamachy. I like the aggressive delivery here. the pounding beat helps a lot here, too, evening out the chaotic synth riffs. It has an ominous tone at the end. The song is about how they'll take on all comers and come out on top no matter what. 

"Yes Or No" 
I've already reviewed this as a single. My thoughts on it really haven't changed. 

Zico really hits his stride here, and delivers a full-on rap attack that should leave you breathless trying to keep up. The songs are almost consistently kinetic, moving and daring you to move with them. The hooks are awesome, and the collaborators are distinctive and engaging. If you're looking for infectious beats, look no further.

Track Listing :

VENI VIDI VICI (Feat. DJ WegunClick Here
Eureka (Feat. Zion.T) Click Here
Pride & Prejudice (Feat. SuranClick Here
Boys And Girls (Feat. BabylonClick Here
Day (Feat. JTONGClick Here
Yes Or No (Feat. PENOMECO, The QuiettClick Here

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